There are plenty of books about wine or whiskey. You go to any bookshop and you can always find something. Unfortunately, there are actually not many English language books available about the beautiful drink of Japanese sake. Definitely more than 5 (I’ve got seven) but still probably fewer than 15. But the five books I am going to talk about are probably the must.
Don’t forget, Sugidama Podcast now has a sponsor, London Sake, an excellent online sake store. London Sake has one of the widest selections of premium and craft sake available online today. They deliver across the UK and Europe, and with over 100 sake from 25 breweries, there really is something for everyone.
Using simple online tasting notes and sensible, affordable food pairings they help you find the perfect sake without any of the fuss. Listeners of the podcast can get a 10% discount Listen to the episode to get the magical code! London Sake: making sake simple.
Episode’s Content:
- Books about sake in English
- The Sake Handbook by John Gauntner
- Sake Confidential by John Gauntner
- The Book of Sake: A Connoisseur’s Guide by Philip Harper
- The Japanese Sake Bible by Brian Ashcraft
- The Complete Guide to Japanese Drinks by Stephen Lyman and Chris Bunting
- Sake of the episode: Kubota Senju (Ginjo)
Sake mentioned:
Kubota Senjyu Ginjo
Asahi Shuzo Sake Brewing Company
London Sake
Music used:
Wirklich Wichtig (CB 27) by Checkie Brown
Just Arround the World (Kielokaz ID 362) by KieLoKaz
Vocal: Svetlana